Thank you to our Utah representatives and congressmen as well as staff for taking the time to learn about Head Start. Please make Head Start funding a stable priority so we can continue serving Utah children and families in need.
Washington DC Hill Visits
Thank you to our Utah representatives and congressmen and their staff for taking time to learn about Utah Head Start.
The Utah Head Start Association supports regional and national Head Start associations in advocating for ongoing reauthorization of Head Start funding and improving policy and procedures that allow programs to better serve children and families. We seek opportunities to inform local, state, and national representatives of the importance of the Head Start program. We welcome your support.
1. Please call Senator Romney at (3850 264-7885 or contact via email at
2. Next, please call Senator Lee at (801-524-5933) or contact via email at lic/index.cfm/contact
3. And third, call your congressperson!
UT-01 Congressman Blake Moore (801) 625-0107
UT-02 Congresswoman Celeste Maloy (801) 364-5550
UT-03 Congressman John Curtis: (801) 922-5400
UT-04 Congressman Burgess Owens: (801) 999-9801